Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT)




GMAT 2017 examinations do open up with new career opportunities or help in seeking better positioning in the industry.  The test skills done here are highly important for management programs and businesses. The exams of GMAT are adaptive when it comes to computer usage. The prerequisite of applying GMAT exams is that the aspirant at least should hold the graduate degree. Through the official website, Candidates could register themselves.  GMAT exams should be given even if you are willing to study abroad and opting to pursue your career internationally.One of the most lucrative advantages of GMAT exams is that the aspirants of any age could apply for these examinations. The prime benefit of GMAT exam is they are valid for five years. During the MBA admission processes, the top colleges also accept GMAT scores. By paying an application amount the students can opt for these examinations. Many aspirants are nervous before applying for exams.  In order to prepare aspirants, there are various online tests and self-evaluation programs which will help in reducing stress and anxiety. Time management in the GMAT programs is very much essential, the daily training sessions could make you a pro in clearing out this examination.

GMAT Exam Dates


GMAT conducts its exam round the world with 12 months rotation but have few rules to follow the exam.  In GMAT exam candidates can appear the exam only once in the month restricted only 5 times in a year.

GMAT Exam Pattern


Evaluations and GMAT Exams: - The questions asked in GMAT are much on the difficult level and the questions are evaluated on the basis of Item Response theory. In the question paper patterns, there are 3 sections.

Section 1: -  Usually it is an analytic Writing assessment. A lot of critical thinking is required since the Evaluation and question are asked based on essay writing set. In this GMAT section, the students would be required to answer 2 shorts.

Section 2: - This section is basically dedicated to verbal ability. Comprising on different subjects like Reading comprehension, Sentence correction, and critical reasoning, aspirants are expected to only take 75 minutes of time to solve this set of questions.

Section 3: -This is basically devoted to quantitative section, kind of problem-solving and data sufficiency. In order to solve these section, only 75 minutes of time is provided.

It is more viable to give Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) because the grades of the same are being accepted in more than 112 countries around the world. This test could surely bring in feather to your wings and can help in the crucial development of your career. The best part about GMAT courses is that they do give you wings and complete flexibility of choosing up your date and time.


 No. of Questions

 Question Type


 Analytical Writing Assessment

 1 Topic

 Analysis of an argument

 30 min

 Integrated Reasoning

 12 questions

 Multi Source Reasoning, Graphics  interpretation, Table Analysis, Two Part  Analysis

 30 min


 37 questions

 Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving

 75 min


 41 questions

 Reading Comprehension, Critical   Reasoning, Sentence Correction

 75 min

 Total Duration



 3 hrs 30 minutes


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