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The spread and promote learning in all fields D.Y.Patil Group mission is a conscious programme to develope the student?s potentials ? including the capacity to learn, to live a full life and to serve others. D.Y.Patil Group believes that education should open the mind and prepare students to appreciate the beauty of ideas as well as thew world around them. Education must help students ubderstand both, other people and themselves and to be effective citizens in an interdependent world. D.Y.Patil Group promotes human welfare and encourages dedicated service to one?s fellowman. It imparts knowledge and endeavors to bring out the potentialities of human being for their own growth and for the betterment of the communities in which they live. D.Y.Patil Group endeavours to inspire ideals, hopes and ambitions, it adds to one?s zestful appreciation of the wonders around and within oneself. To sum up the D.Y.Patil Group mission is that of a liberal education of an individual?s personal quest for knowledge and self mastery and the desire to play an integral part in the development of the< community.
Entrance1.com is an online educational portal, we provide all the necessary details for students, teachers, parents and colleges/institutes in regards to all streams of education under one roof. We conduct mock test on our website to guide students in selecting the correct path for their future. We understand the needs of a student and have devoted our portal to students.Read more...
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